“"Florida State," says Thelma Acquaah-Harrison, "focuses on the whole student, actively encouraging students to excel in academics, leadership, service, and civic engagement."”
“Florida State,” says Thelma Acquaah-Harrison, “focuses on the whole student, actively encouraging students to excel in academics, leadership, service, and civic engagement.” Thelma has taken full advantage of such encouragement.
Her academic achievements were recognized her first year when she was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, the national honor society for college freshmen. She then joined FSU’s Honors Program, and performed research at the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities. She was inducted into the Golden Key International Honor Society and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Recently, she was invited to join a select group of students in “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges,” a prestigious academic award.
Thelma is a Lady Spirithunter. She serves on the Executive Board of the Voice Party, a registered student organization, and is chair of the Service Scholar Program, which integrates service with scholarship and leadership. Because of her leadership abilities, she has been recognized by the Garnet and Gold Key Leadership Honorary.
Much of Thelma’s free time is devoted to community service—as a counselor for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and as team leader for the Center for Civic Education and Service outreach program at ECHO. Because of her dedication, she has been honored with the Student Seminole Award.
Thelma’s life after school will continue to evidence her concern for others, when she will work as a speech pathologist for the Florida Department of Education.