In 2005, his leadership qualities were cited in Resolution 9139 by the Florida House of Representatives.
It is also the year that he was elected Student Body President of FSU and, consequently, became a governor on the Florida Board of Governors.
Singular accomplishments. Extraordinary by any measure. And yet, anyone reading Christopher Schoonover’s history of distinguished service at FSU would not be surprised by these crowning achievements.
Christopher, a graduate student in political science, has taken on greater and more prestigious responsibilities each year.
Chief of staff, deputy student body treasurer, member of the Union Board, secretary of health concerns, and then student body vice president.
Naturally, Christopher is a member of the Seminole Circle of the FSU’s Omicron Delta Kappa Society, an honor society that recognizes excellence beyond academics at the University and emphasizes the exemplary conduct, unselfish service, and success achieved in worthy undertakings.
His excellence beyond academics has not diminished his excellence in academics. As a member of the Mortar Board, a national honor society, Christopher has been recognized for his ranking in the top 35% of his class. More evidence of his achievement can be found in the Journal of Materials Research, where his article “Rapid Prototyping of Micro patterned Substrates Using Conventional Laser Printers” (Vol. 17, No. 7) was published.
How does Christopher keep his accomplishments in perspective? By seeing them as opportunities to serve others. “The night I was inaugurated as student body president,” he says, “I was given the opportunity to represent every student on this campus.”