Florida State University’s faculty and staff are central to its mission and the key to its countless accomplishments.
Throughout the year, honors and recognitions are awarded to individuals across campus. Our Faculty and Staff Briefs are produced monthly to recognize accomplishments and provide a space where honors, awards, bylines, presentations, grants, service and any other notable items can be showcased.
Larry Giunipero, Ph.D. (College of Business) received the 2021 Best Paper Award for “Moving Purchasing & Supply Management Beyond a Cost-Focused Identity” from the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Jinger Deason (School of Communication Science and Disorders) was recognized during the opening session of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders Conference for her work to establish weekly wellness checks for her distance learning students.
Guanyi Lu, Ph.D. (College of Business) received the Associate Editor Service Award at the Journal of Operations Management Mini-Conference.
Pamela MacManus (College of Medicine) earned the Federally Certified Marketplace Navigator designation for the Health Insurance Marketplace, to assist consumers navigating the health insurance system.
Betsy Becker, Ph.D. (College of Education) received a lifetime achievement award from the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology ahead of her retirement.
Tanya Peres, Ph.D. (Department of Anthropology) was named a co-winner of the Tennessee History Book Award by the Tennessee Library Association for “Mastodons to Mississippians: Adventures in Nashville’s Deep Past.”
Gillian Stewart Gregory (College of Education, Office of Research) and Nicole Patton Terry, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) are 2022 Institutional Challenge Grant winners for the William T. Grant Foundation called “University Research Partnerships to Reduce Educational Disparity in College Towns: Building a Model in Tallahassee, FL.” The grant supports a partnership among Florida State University, Leon County Schools and Florida A&M University that aims to address educational disparities, specifically in reading.
David Landau, J.D. (College of Law) visited Chile from April 17-May 12 as part of the Fulbright Specialist Program. Landau was hosted by Adolfo Ibáñez University, where he taught a class on comparative constitution making. He also observed the Chilean Constitutional Convention in Santiago, conducted interviews of delegates and advisers who were part of the Convention, and presented about his scholarship at academic events.
Lindsey Eckert, Ph.D. (Department of English) received a four-month Huntington Library Fellowship and residency to analyze 19th-century British bookbinding trends.
Nick Mazza, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) published the third edition of “Poetry Therapy: Theory and Practice” with multinational publisher Routledge.
Matthew Hunter, MLIS, M.A., Liz Dunne, MLIS, Camille Thomas, MLIS, Laura Miller, MLIS and Devin Soper, MLIS, M.A. (University Libraries) co-published “Ask the Editors: Assessing the Publishing Needs of Faculty Editors” in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication.
Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D., Michael Killian, Ph.D., MaKenna Woods, M.S.W. (College of Social Work) and Sarah Herrera, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) co-published “Testing the Importance of Individual Growth in Predicting State-Level Outcomes Beyond Status Measures” in Frontiers in Education.
Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D. (College of Social Work & Florida Center for Reading Research) and Jungyeong Heo, M.A. (College of Education) co-published “Heterogeneity in Reading Achievement and Mindset of Readers with Reading Difficulties” in the journal Reading and Writing.
Tanya Renn, Ph.D., Carrie Pettus, Ph.D. (College of Social Work), David Edwards, Ph.D. (Department of Religion) and Christopher Veeh, Ph.D. (The Institute for Justice Research and Development) co-published “The Role of Preparatory Programming in Increasing the Effectiveness of a Sex Offender Treatment Intervention” in the journal Victims & Offenders.
Michael Blaber, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) co-authored the manuscript “Creation of the Intermolecular Disulfide Symmetry Cross-Linked Crystal Allowing Observation of Tertiary Structures in Different Solvent Conditions,“ which was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, section Structural Biology.
John Mathias, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-published “The Limits of Bodies: Gatherings and the Problem of Collective Presence” in the journal American Anthropologist.
Vincent Joos, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) published “A Big Hole: Notes from Jovenel Moïse’s Hometown” in an English, French and Kreyol version in the Hot Spots Series of the journal Cultural Anthropology.
Matthew Goldmark, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) published “Indigeneity Overlooked: Indigenous Technologies and Criollo Worldmaking in Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez (1690)” in “1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era.”
Anne Coldiron, Ph.D. (Department of English) published “Feminist Hermeneutic Tools: Visual Metaphors of Christine de Pizan’s Literary Labor” in Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures. Coldiron also published the research essay “A Most Remarkable Volume: The Long-term Authority of Provenance in Christine de Pizan’s Deracinated Military Manual” in the Journal of the Early Book Society.
Michael Killian, Ph.D. (College of Social Work), Zhe He, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) and graduate students Shubo Tian, Aiwen Xing and Dana Hughes co-published “Predicting Health Outcomes Through Machine Learning in Pediatric Heart Transplantation: Use of National Data from the United Network for Organ Sharing” in the journal Research Square.
Jose Pinto, Ph.D., Huan He, Ph.D., Rakesh Singh, Ph.D. (College of Medicine), Michelle Parvatiyar, Ph.D. (College of Health and Human Sciences) and College of Medicine graduate students Maicon Landim-Vieira and Michelle Rodriguez Garcia co-published a manuscript “Post-Translational Modification Patterns on β-myosin Heavy Chain are Altered in Ischemic and Non-Ischemic Human Hearts” in the journal eLife.
Jacob Eikenberry, MSW (Social Work) and colleagues from Saint Louis University co-published “Associations Between Legal Representation and Mental Health Court Outcomes” in the American Journal of Criminal Justice.
Carolina Gonzalez, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) co-authored “Creaky Voice and Prosodic Boundaries in Spanish: An Acoustic Study” in the journal Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics.
Stephen Tripodi, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) and colleagues from Boston University and the University of Chicago co-authored “To What Extent is Criminal Justice Content Specifically Addressed in MSW Programs?” with the Journal of Social Work Education.
Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education) authored “Working Beyond Borders to Cultivate Knowledge and Support for Puerto Rican Colleges and Universities,” a 48-page report released by The Association for the Study of Higher Education. The report highlights several contexts of Puerto Rican higher education, including analyses into post-traditional students, STEM students, and the connection between student success and higher education funding.
Shaofeng Li, Ph.D., Phil Hiver, Ph.D. and Mostafa Papi, Ph.D. (College of Education) co-edited “The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences” by Routledge. The book provides an in-depth discussion of the theory, research and pedagogy pertaining to the role individual difference factors play in second language acquisition.
Shaofeng Li, Ph.D. (College of Education) edited the first issue of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, the first and only journal devoted exclusively to research methods in applied linguistics. Li also co-authored an article “The Effects of Immediate and Delayed Corrective Feedback on L2 Development,” in Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
David Gussak, Ph.D., ATR-BC. (Department of Art Therapy) published “The Frenzied Dance of Art and Violence” with Oxford University Press.
Tim Chapin, Ph.D. (College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Department of Urban and Regional Planning) co-authored “Growth Management’s Fourth Wave, Revisited” in the Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy.
Michelle Therrien, Ph.D., Andrea Barton-Hulsey, Ph.D., Sana Tibi, Ph.D., Kristen Guynes, Ph.D., Elizabeth Madden, Ph.D., and Ellen Nimmons, M.S., (College of Communication and Information) co-presented “Interactions with Patients with Disabilities: Supporting Engagement and Participation” at FSU’s College of Medicine’s Medical Disability Workshop, which explored the engagement and participation of individuals with adults who have acquired injuries or intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Nick Mazza, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) spoke virtually on the expanding international practice and study of poetry therapy at the Israeli Bibliotherapy Center.
Amberly Prykhodko, LCSW (College of Social Work) presented “Resiliency: A Proactive Approach Towards Cultivating Well-Being” to an audience of more than 80 members and associates of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
Arzu Güngör Leushuis, Ph.D. and Angie Davis, Ph.D., (College of Education) held a workshop for K-12 teachers on “Strategies to Help Students to Become Effective Writers” at The Florida Literacy Conference.
Pablo Maurette, Ph.D. (Department of English) presented the Italian translation of his new novel, “Il tempo è un fiume,” at the Turin Book Fair, one of the world’s largest and most prestigious book fairs.
Juan Carlos Galeano, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) delivered a poetry reading and participated in the workshop “Intersections of Memory and Sustainability: Explorations of Eco-Art from the Caribbean and Latin America” at the University of Warwick in England.
Donna Uchizono, M.F.A. (School of Dance) premiered her work Wings of Iron to sold-out crowds at Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York City on May 18. Wings of Iron examines what it takes to remain humane in these charged times, providing a framework for both performer and audience to share the weight of a vulnerability that is simultaneously public and private. The performance was reviewed in The New York Times.
Kevin Curry, M.F.A. (Department of Art) has had his sculpture “Lost and Found” (aka Big Baby) installed in the Tomlinson Duck Pond at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. The work will be on display for the next year and part of the 36th Annual Rosen Sculpture Competition and Exhibition, a national juried competition presented annually by An Appalachian Summer Festival and the Turchin Center for the Visual Arts.
Lilian Garcia-Roig, M.F.A. (Department of Art) is featured at Virginia Tech’s Moss Art Center from June 9-Sept. 2. The show will feature key works from several of her on-site painting series as well as pieces from the “Hecho con Cuba” and “Hyphenated Nature” series.
Ameya Kolarkar, Ph.D. (Center for the Advancement of Teaching) presented a workshop “Affective STEM Teaching” at the Conference on Teaching and Learning at the University of South Alabama. The workshop focused on a framework for instructors based on producing positive effects through continued storylines and relating content to students’ lived experiences.
Shermeeka Hogans-Mathews, M.D. (College of Medicine) organized and facilitated “Promoting Wellness by Tackling Perfectionism: Shining a Light on the Inner Critic,” a scholarly roundtable discussion at the 2022 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference in Indianapolis.
Michael Morley, J.D. (College of Law) was a panelist for The Village Square event, “Created Equal: A Conversation about Race in our Elections.”
Joi N. Phillips, Ph.D. (Center for Leadership and Social Change) has been selected to serve as a consultant for the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement in Higher Education for the 2024 application cycle.
Erin Sylvester Philpot, Ed.D. (Center for Leadership and Social Change) has been selected for the Leadership Tallahassee Class 40.
Nick Mazza, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) was elected for a second term as president of the National Association for Poetry Therapy.
Zucai Suo, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) and Suo Research Lab post-doctoral researcher Mangesh Hade, Ph.D., have three patents submitted, two for conversion and one application: “Lipid Vesicle-Mediated Delivery to Cells”; “Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Delivery to cells”; and “CD24-Loaded Vesicles for Treatment of Cytokine Storm and Other Conditions.”
Kathleen Clark, Ph.D. (College of Education) has been selected to participate in the Faculty Fellowship Program in Israel — the first person from FSU to be selected for the competitive program.
Ravi Howard, M.F.A., David Kirby, Ph.D. and Diane Roberts, Ph.D. (Department of English), participated in Tallahassee’s Word of South, a festival of literature and music.
Carolina Gonzalez, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) was elected as one of four chief editors of the new book series, “Estudios de Lingüística Amerindia / Studies of Amerindian Linguistics.”
Please send items for Faculty and Staff Briefs to aprentiss@fsu.edu. We publish monthly.