Miranda Waggoner, Ph.D. (Sociology) was awarded the 2019 Adele E. Clarke Book Award from ReproNetwork for her book “The Zero Trimester.” The award is offered every two years to honor a groundbreaking work judged to be the most potentially influential contribution to scholarship on reproduction.
Kathy Burnett, Ph.D. and Melissa Gross, Ph.D. (Information) received the ALISE (Association for Library and Information Science Education) Award for Professional Contribution.
Donna Nudd, Ph.D., Sindy Chapa, Ph.D. and Jessica Wendorf Muhammad, Ph.D. (Communication) received the All Access Champion award. This award recognizes faculty at Florida State who are “committed to providing opportunities for students with disabilities to succeed in their academic endeavors beyond what is required by the FSU Student Disability Resource Center.”
Jessica Bahorski, Ph.D. (Nursing), Mollie Romano, Ph.D. (Communication Science and Disorders) and Julie May McDougal, M.S.W. (Social Work) were awarded the Office of Proposal Development’s Family and Children Collaborative Collision Seed Funding for their study “Testing a Responsive Feeding Intervention in a Group of High-Risk Mother-Infant Dyads.”
Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D. (Social Work) is part of a research team that will be awarded the Early Childhood Development Solver Award from the MIT Solve Challenge for their development of The Early Literacy Screener, a 20-minute comprehensive solution supporting schools, parents and pediatricians to identify children at-risk for struggling with learning to read and provide resources to prevent the development of reading impairments.
Xifeng Gao, Ph.D. (Computer Science) received a National Science Foundation grant for his project “Robust High Order Meshing and Analysis for Design Pipeline Automation.”
Zhiying Qian, Ph.D. (Modern Languages and Linguistics) won the Jiede Empirical Research Grant, which supports empirical research in Chinese pedagogy and Chinese applied linguistics, from the Chinese Language Teachers Association.
Anne Coldiron, Ph.D. (English) is a collaborator on a four-year international grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, for Trajectories of Translation with six team members in Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. and Stephanie Kennedy, Ph.D. (Social Work) co-authored the report “Voices of 5-Key Model participants: Early Findings from a Multistate Trial.”
Tanya Renn, Ph.D. (Social Work) co-authored the book chapter “Traumatic Brain Injury and Justice-Involved Youth: Assessment and Intervention” for the “International Handbook of Delinquency and Health,” published by New York: Routledge.
Paul Renfro, Ph.D. (History) co-authored the Washington Post editorial “Why Dismissing President Trump as Mad or Ill is a Major Mistake” as part of the publication’s Made by History series.
Bruce Thyer, Ph.D. (Social Work) published the book chapter “Pseudoscientific Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders” in the “Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities,” part of the Autism and Child Psychopathology series.
David R. King, Ph.D. (Business) co-authored “Divestiture of Prior Acquisitions: Competing Explanations of Performance,” which was accepted for publication in the Journal of Strategy and Management.
Katherine Dale, Ph.D. (Communication) co-authored the paper “Self-Transcendent Emotions and Social Media: Exploring the Content and Consumers of Inspirational Facebook Posts” recently published in the journal New Media & Society. Other collaborators include Art Raney, Ph.D. (Communication) and Cen Wang, Ph.D. Candidate (Communication).
Alina Dana Weber, Ph.D. (Modern Languages and Linguistics) published the book “Blood Brothers and Peace Pipes: Performing the Wild West in German Festivals” with University of Wisconsin Press.
Eric Walker, Ph.D. (English) authored “Charles Lamb, Emma Isola, and the Politics of Adoption, 1820” in The Coleridge Bulletin; “Robert Pinsky, the Foundling Tokens, and Kinship Theory” in Adoption & Culture; “The Unremarked Wordsworth: Geoffrey Hartman and the River Duddon Volume” forthcoming in The Wordsworth Circle; and “’I Want Out’: The Expatriation of Lionel Shriver” forthcoming in The North Carolina Literary Review.
Anne Coldiron, Ph.D. (English) authored “Translation, Textuality, Transformission or Early Modernity in Motion,” published in Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée.
Barbara Hamby, MA (English) authored the poem “Ode on Words for Parties (American Edition),” published in The New Yorker.
David Kirby, Ph.D. (English) authored a new poetry collection, “More Than This,” published by Louisiana State University Press.
Valerie Shute, Ph.D. (Education) authored “Can Playing a Video Game Foster Computational Thinking Skills?” in the journal Computers & Education. Shute’s article explores the effects of playing video games and quantitatively evaluates whether or not video games can change computational thinking.
Timothy Baghurst, Ph.D. and Damon Andrew, Ph.D. (Education) co-authored “Practical Recommendations for Securing Early Career and Pre-Tenure Academic Positions in the Kinesiology Disciplines,” published in the International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education. The article seeks to help young professionals navigate complicated processes like contract negotiation.
Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (Education) published a new article in Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. The article is titled “Overview of Higher Education in the USA” and was authored with Higher Education doctoral students Debbie Hanson and David Thayer.
Lama Jaber, Ph.D. (Education) published a new article alongside two College of Education students, Caroline Herbster and Jacob Truett, both students in the FSU-Teach program. The article, “Responsive Teaching: Embracing Students’ Divergent Questions,” explores the concepts of responsive teaching, an idea that focuses on “listening closely to students’ ideas, interests, and questions to identify and build on the productive beginnings in their thinking.”
Insu Paek, Ph.D. (Education) published the book “Using R for Item Response Theory Model Application,” which introduces basic concepts of item response theory (IRT) and detailed information on how to use R IRT programs for IRT applications.
Kathleen Krach, Ph.D. (Education) published a new article in the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations. The article, “Can Video Games Be Used as a Stealth Assessment of Aggression? A Criterion-Related Validity Study,” looks at gamers’ behaviors to compare traditional assessment to stealth assessment.
Damon Andrew, Ph.D. (Education) published the second edition of his textbook, Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, which is widely used in sport management programs. The updated cover depicts the 2018 NCAA Division 1 Softball Championship Game, where Florida State Softball earned the national title. The book is co-authored with Paul Pederson, a graduate of Florida State, and Chad McEvoy.
Doug Tatum, M. Acc. (Entrepreneurship) presented “The Growth Challenge Workshop” to approximately 30 private company executives at Wake Forest University Center for Private Business on Oct. 9. The Growth Challenge Workshop is designed to help business owners identify the critical decisions that companies face when they are too big to be small and too small to be big. The half-day event gives business owners a real-world look at overcoming the challenges and questions that growing companies face.
Matthew Earhart, MBA (Information Management Office) presented at the 2019 Southern Association of Institutional Research on Sept. 30. His presentation, “Tools of Institutional Planning: A Roadmap to Modernizing Assessment,” focused on developing new university assessment tools and methodologies.
Neil Abell, Ph.D. (Social Work) presented “Social Work Practice Education Challenges Delivering Services to ‘The Other’ following The Troubles in Northern Ireland” on Oct. 11 at the 20th Annual Global Partnership for Transformative Social Work Conference (International) in Burlington, Vermont.
Horacio Rousseau, Ph.D. (Business) presented his collaborative research “Profiting from Lack of Cohesion: Bank Profitability in Fractured Communities” at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Oct. 19-22.
Bruce Lamont, Ph.D. and David R. King, Ph.D. (Business), along with doctoral candidates Gonzalo Molina Sieiro and Janice Gordon, presented their collaborative research “Advisors and Acquisition Performance: The Roles of Contemporaneous and Relational Capital” at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference on Oct. 19-22.
Michael Holmes, Ph.D. (Business) and doctoral candidate Gonzalo Molina Sieiro presented their collaborative research “Transitioning to Formal Markets: An Examination of Informal Women Entrepreneurs” at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference on Oct. 19-22.
David Maslach, Ph.D. (Business) presented his “Learning from Neglected Experiences: End Users and the Surveillance of a Pioneer’s Problems” and “Learning from Failure – Taking Stock and Looking Forward” during the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference Oct. 19-22.
Michelle Kazmer, Ph.D. (Information) presented “‘Intelligence, Guided by Experience’: Hercule Poirot and Nero Wolfe and Their Use of Information Agents” at the Agatha Christie: Investigating the Queen of Crime Conference in Southampton, UK.
Mia Lustria, Ph.D. (Information) presented “Mass Interpersonal Persuasion in Action: Examining Social Media as a Persuasive Technology” at the Communication Research International Conference hosted by the University of the Philippines Diliman.
Ebe Randeree, Ph.D. (Communication and Information) presented at ITEN Wired on technology in education.
Tarez Samra Graban, Ph.D. (English) was invited by the Center for Humanities and Information at Penn State University to present on transnational archival research as part of its fifth annual Information + Humanities conference.
Molly Hand, Ph.D. (English) delivered the Albert S. Johnston, Jr. Memorial Shakespeare Lecture on Oct. 22 at the University of North Alabama. Her talk was titled “Animals and Witchcraft in Shakespeare’s England.”
Christian Hubicki, Ph.D. (Engineering) was selected as a Gilbreth Lecturer by the National Academy of Engineering. He will give his presentation, “Robots that Walk: What the Challenge of Locomotion Says about Next-Generation Manufacturing,” at the NAE spring 2020 National Meeting. The Gilbreth Lectures were established in 2001 by the Council of the National Academy of Engineering as a means of recognizing outstanding young American engineers.
Shouping Hu, Ph.D. (Education) will present findings from the Florida #DevED Project at the Reimagining Developmental Education Conference, which is a part of the Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness (CAPR). The conference takes place Nov. 21-22 in New York City.
Timothy Baghurst, Ph.D. (Education) presented “Scientific Training for Elite Competitive Athletes & Practices of Monitoring Athlete Performance” at a symposium at the University of Rhode Island. The talk included a group of sports scientists, coaches and executives traveling from China. Baghurst also presented a talk called “Best Practices for Optimal Health, Well-Being and Performance of Athletes at Pre, During, and Post-Season.”
Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (Education) served as a panelist at the #RealCollege 2019 National Convening Oct. 3 in Houston, Texas. Perez-Felkner presented during the Workshop on #RealCollege Research on RCT and survey design for housing insecure college students and the Advanced Research Workshop.
Nicholas Ruhs, Ph.D. (University Libraries) served on a panel discussion on the development of library workshops for research data services and presented “Fostering Data Literacy at FSU Libraries through Campus Partnerships,” at the Southeast Data Librarian Symposium Oct. 10-11 at Tulane University in New Orleans.
Douglass Tatum, M. Acc. (Entrepreneurship) served on the Board of Experts at the Birthing of Giants program at MIT Sept. 29-30. Birthing of Giants is a strategy planning program for 12 selected owners of growing companies.
Mark Zeigler (Communication) delivered the keynote speech for the 89th Florida Communication Association conference in Orlando, conducted a session for the FSU diversity and inclusion conference, provided in-service training sessions in professional presentations for the Division of Student Affairs and the Student Athletic Academic Services department, gave a lecture for the College of Education at Illinois State University and made presentations for the Freshman Leadership Institute, Garnet and Gold Key and Bryan Hall.
Anne Coldiron, Ph.D. (English) was elected to chair the Modern Language Association’s Translation Studies Forum Executive Committee. She was selected to serve on the editorial board of the journal Forum for Modern Language Studies and on the editorial board of the Renaissance Society of America’s Texts and Studies book series.
Tarez Samra Graban, Ph.D. (English) has been elected President of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition.
Carol Campbell Edwards, M.S.W. (Social Work) was recently elected as chair of the National Association of Social Workers, National Council of Chapter Presidents. She also currently serves as the president of the Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.
JR Harding, Ed.D. (Business) was reappointed to Delta’s advisory board on disabilities through 2025.
Gang Wang, Ph.D. (Business) was invited to join the editorial board of Journal of Applied Psychology.
Patricia Born, Ph.D. (Business) was invited to join the Insurance Information Institute’s Non-Resident Scholars program. The program is made up of industry practitioners, academics, regulators and others involved in insurance and related areas who strive to provide objective, fact-based information about insurance.
Nicholas Ruhs, Ph.D. (University Libraries) was selected to attend a Data Curation Network workshop Nov. 5-6 at Washington University in St. Louis. These specialized workshops provide a peer-to-peer learning environment for data curation and are funded through the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Daniel Hallinan Jr., Ph.D. (Engineering) recently spent 10 weeks at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command’s Army Research Laboratory, where he collaborated on chemically-powered artificial muscles for the future soldier. This was made possible through a Historically Black College and University/Minority-Serving Institution Partnered Research Initiative Program that funds and brings expertise to the government and Department of Defense.
Martin Swanbrow Becker, Ph.D. (Education) participated in a meeting with First Lady Casey DeSantis, Secretary of the Florida Department of Children and Families Chad Poppell and Florida State Surgeon General Scott A. Rivkees. At the meeting, Becker presented the important work Florida State University is doing to implement evidenced-based suicide prevention and wellness promotion programming for its students. Cara Knoeppel, a doctoral student in the Combined Counseling Psychology and School Psychology program, also presented at the meeting to give a student perspective.
Alysia Roehrig, Ph.D. (Education) was featured on an episode of Division 15’s podcast, where she discussed the merits and nuances of open access journaling, as well as negotiating tactics for authors. The podcast is available on iTunes as well as SoundCloud.
Damon Andrew, Ph.D. (Education) was featured in an issue of Dean & Provost, highlighting his budgeting experience at Florida State University, where he employs a hybrid budgeting model. Andrew shares some advice to fellow deans on how to increase revenue streams, understand funding formulas and tie budgeting requests to the institution’s mission.
To submit a Faculty & Staff Brief, email Amy Farnum-Patronis at afarnumpatronis@fsu.edu.