Martin Munro, Ph.D. (Modern Languages and Linguistics) received the 2019 Visiting International Fellowship from the Society for French Studies. Munro’s fellowship is scheduled to take place in March 2020, where he will teach, deliver lectures and participate in research seminars. His research on Haiti and the French Caribbean also will be featured during a daylong conference at the International Museum of Slavery.
Tamara Bertrand Jones, Ph.D. (Education) received the Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs Through Teaching Award from NASPA Region III. NASPA is one of the leading organizations for student affairs administrators in higher education. Bertrand Jones was recognized during the organization’s special awards luncheon June 7 in Washington, D.C.
Veronica Fleury, Ph.D. (Education) was recently honored at the International Meeting for Autism. During her postdoctoral fellowship, Fleury contributed to a number of publications, and one of them has been named the most cited article in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
Walter R. Boot, Ph.D. and Neil Charness, Ph.D. (Psychology) received the Gerontological Society of America’s Richard Kalish Innovative Publication Award for co-authoring the book, “Designing for Older Adults: Principles and Creative Human Factors Approaches.” The award will be presented at the GSA’s 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting in November in Austin, Texas.
Patricia Homan, Ph.D. (Sociology) won the 2019 Roberta G. Simmons Outstanding Dissertation in Medical Sociology from the American Sociological Association section on Medical Sociology for her research article on structural sexism published in the American Sociological Review in May.
Tyler McCreary, Ph.D. (Geography) has won the British Columbia Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing for his book “Shared Histories: Witsuwit’en-Settler Relations in Smithers, British Columbia, 1913-1973.” The award, which carries a cash prize of $2,500, was presented June 8 at the B.C. Historical Federation gala in Vancouver.
Pam Keel, Ph.D. (Psychology) received the Leadership Award in Research from the Academy of Eating Disorders at the 2019 International Conference on Eating Disorders. This award is given in recognition of an internationally respected body of research yielding new knowledge about eating disorders and measurably advancing the field.
Sara Hart, Ph.D. (Psychology) won the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences Early Career Impact Award. This award recognizes major research contributions to the sciences of mind, brain and behavior.
Martin Mende, Ph.D. (Business) was recently presented with the Outstanding Area Editor Award by the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). JAMS is a FT50 journal and FSU has more Area Editors working on it than any other university.
Stephanie Kennedy, Ph.D. (Social Work) co-authored the article “Measurement in Correctional Health Research: Unique Challenges and Strategies for Enhanced Rigor,” published in the Journal of Correctional Health Care.
Miray Tekkumru-Kisa, Ph.D. (Education) recently published “Integrating a Space for Teacher Interaction into an Educative Curriculum: Design Principles and Teachers’ Use of the iPlan Tool” in the journal Technology, Pedagogy and Education. She also published the article “Change in Thinking Demands for Students Across the Phases of a Science Task: An Exploratory Study” in the journal Research in Science Education.
Stephen Tripodi, Ph.D. and Jeffrey Lacasse, Ph.D. (Social Work) co-authored the article “The Quality of Life Perception Gap in Prison Health Care Settings: Rater Disparities among Incarcerated Patients and Peer Caregivers,” published in Applied Research in Quality of Life.
Vanessa Dennen, Ph.D. and Stacey Rutledge, Ph.D. (Education) and doctoral candidate Lauren Bagdy co-authored “Social Media Use in High School Settings: Rules, Outcomes, & Educational Opportunities” in the journal SMSociety.
Horacio Rousseau, Ph.D. (Business) authored the article “Localizing Sustainable Development Goals: Nonprofit Density and City Sustainability,” which has been accepted for publication by the journal Academy of Management Discoveries.
David King, Ph.D. (Business) co-authored the article “What, When and Who: Manager Involvement in Predicting Employee Resistance to Acquisition Integration,” which has been accepted for publication by the journal Human Resource Management. King also co-authored “Sins and Corporate Acquisitions,” which has been accepted by the journal Culture and Organization.
Shanna R. Daniels, Ph.D. (Business) co-authored the article “Race and Workplace Discrimination: The Mediating Role of Cyber Incivility and Interpersonal Incivility,” which has been accepted for publication by Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, Ph.D. (Religion) published his edition of “St. Augustine’s Égarements,” featuring Books 2 and 3 of the Confessions of St. Augustine. Written while St. Augustine was bishop of Hippo, the chapters are dedicated to the years of his youth.
Michael Holmes, Ph.D. (Business) co-authored the article “Let’s Not Focus on Income Inequality,” recently published in the Academy of Management Review.
Pam Perrewé, Ph.D. and Shanna R. Daniels, Ph.D. (Business) co-authored the article “Pregnancy in the Workplace: The Role of Stigmas, Discrimination, and Identity Management,” published in the journal Women, Business and Leadership.
Jenny Root, Ph.D. (Education) published the article “Recommendations for Inclusive Educational Practices in Mathematics for Students with Extensive Support Needs” in the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities journal Inclusion.
Annie Grier, MSW (Social Work) received a $10,000 grant from the St. Louis City Circuit Attorney’s Office to establish empirically driven alternative prosecution programs using research and intervention development methodologies.
Cameron Beatty, Ph.D. (Education) received a research grant from the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International, the largest student affairs organization for housing and residence life professionals.
Jenny Root, Ph.D. and Laura Steacy, Ph.D. (Education) received 2019 Early Career Development and Mentoring grants from The Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Veronica Fleury, Ph.D. (Education) also received an IES Early Career grant in 2018. The IES only awards 2-4 of these grants every year, and the fact that the College has three current IES Early Career Development grant recipients highlights the impressive scholarship of FSU’s programs.
Larry Giunipero, Ph.D. (Business) presented “Do Restaurant Sourcing Practices Affect Performance” at the European Decision Sciences Institute Conference held June 5 at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.
Denise A. Wetzel (Libraries) presented “Growing Engineering Services through Rebranding and Outreach” during the 2019 Southeast Science Boot Camp for Librarians May 31 in Nashville, Tennessee. She also presented “Plotting the Charge to a New Undergraduate Library Award from an Instruction Viewpoint” during The Innovative Library Classroom June 6 in Williamsburg, Va.
François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, Ph.D. (Religion) presented “Joseph is well married! Saint Joseph as ideal husband in French 17th c. Baroque devotion” during the symposium “Hail Joseph!” in May at the Collège de France and Ecole normale supérieure in Paris.
Michael Buchler, Ph.D. (Music) presented the keynote address at the annual meeting of Music Theory Midwest in Cincinnati in May. His talk was titled “‘Sing Me a Song with Social Significance’: Battling Industrialist Oppressors on the Broadway Stage.”
Mark Zeigler, ABD (Communication) gave two invited talks to the faculty and medical residents at FSU’s General Practice Residency Program at Lee Health Systems in Fort Myers.
Dawn Carr, Ph.D. (Sociology) has been elected to a three-year term as the secretary/treasurer of the Aging and the Lifecourse section of the American Sociological Association.
Shanna R. Daniels, Ph.D. (Business) was elected as a representative-at-large for the Gender and Diversity in Organizations division of the Academy of Management.
Shantel Buggs, Ph.D. (Sociology) was elected to serve on the nominations committee of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Communication, Technologies and Media Sociology section. Deana Rohlinger, Ph.D. (Sociology) currently chairs that section. Buggs was also elected to the organization’s Racial and Ethnic Minorities Council for the coming year.
Amy Burdette, Ph.D. (Sociology) will serve as the editor of the American Sociological Association’s Journal of Health and Social Behavior for 2020-2022.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (Social Work) is hosting a spoken word narrative event from 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 27 at the FSU Globe Theatre (click to RSVP). The presentation will be filmed to support FSU’s multidisciplinary $100 million MacArthur grant submission to transform criminal justice for the 21st century with data-driven solutions.
Mark Zeigler, ABD (Communication) served as the master of ceremonies for FSU’s 70th Anniversary Speech and Debate Reunion and as the facilitator for the student-athlete panel at the Student Seminole Boosters Gala.
To submit a Faculty & Staff Brief, email Amy Farnum-Patronis at afarnumpatronis@fsu.edu.