Dennis Slice, Ph.D. (Scientific Computing) received this year’s Rohlf Medal Award from his alma mater Stony Brook University for excellence in his body of work on the development of new morphometric methods or for their applications in the biomedical sciences, including evolutionary biology, population biology, physical anthropology and medicine.
Cesar Rodriguez, Ph.D. (Biomedical Sciences) and Emily Pritchard, Ph.D. (Chemical and Biomedical Engineering) won a bronze medal with the first-ever FSU team to compete at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Jamboree Nov. 9-13 in Boston. The interdisciplinary undergraduate student project, “BARTII: Bacteria Aimed at Removing and Terminating Intestinal Invaders,” involved design and testing of DNA parts in bacteria, which the team hopes will one day enable a probiotic to process gluten in the gut for patients with Celiac disease.
Keith Ihlanfeldt, Ph.D. (Economics) has been named a Halbert Smith Honorary Fellow of the Weimer School of the Homer Hoyt Institute. The Hoyt Institute, located in North Palm Beach, Fla., is an independent, nonprofit research and educational foundation established in 1967 to help improve the quality of public and private real estate decisions. The Weimer School is the organization’s academic arm.
Adam Millsap, Ph.D. (Economics) contributed “Local Government Consolidation Is Not a Panacea” to Forbes magazine. In his article, Millsap discussed the City of Tallahassee’s proposed government consolidation plan and the economic implications surrounding government consolidation.
Deana Rohlinger, Ph.D. (Sociology) published “Did the Tea Party Movement Fuel the Trump-Train? The Role of Social Media in Activist Persistence and Political Change in the 21st Century” in the journal Social Media + Society.
Michael McFarland, Ph.D. (Sociology) published “Grandparents’ Education and Infant Health: Pathways Across Generations” to the Journal of Marriage and Family.
Douglas Schrock, Ph.D. (Sociology) published “Narrative Manhood Acts: Batterer Intervention Program Graduates’ Tragic Relationships” in the journal Symbolic Interaction.
Stephen Tripodi, Ph.D. (Social Work) published “Evaluating Seeking Safety for Women in Prison: A Randomized Controlled Trial” in the journal Research on Social Work Practice.
Kathy L. Guthrie, Ph.D. (Education) co-authored the book, “The Role of Leadership Educators: Transforming Learning,” slated to be published in 2018.
Jenny Root, Ph.D. (Education) recently co-authored and published the curriculum, “Math Skills Builder,” that develops students’ emerging problem-solving skills using real-world math problems.
Daniel Hallinan, Ph.D. (Engineering) was awarded $150,000 in funding over the course of a one-year program as a winner in the first LG Chem Battery Innovation Contest. The title of Hallinan’s proposal is “Lithium Reactions in Solid Electrolytes that Resist Dendrites.”
Amy Fleming, (Art) was awarded a grant from The Puffin Foundation for “The 60 Years Project,” a portrait series that works to change the narrative on aging and ageism.
Tomi Gomory, Ph.D. (Social Work) and Jeffery Lacasse, Ph.D. (Social Work) organized the conference “Critical Thinking and Civil Discourse” that Challenged Conventional Wisdom,” a collaboration among the FSU College of Social Work, the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University and the John Templeton Foundation. The event featured national experts for the benefit of students and academics, as well as helping professionals and members of the general public.
Marcy P. Driscoll, Ph.D. (Education) presented at the 2017 Council of Academic Deans from Research Education Institutions Annual Fall Meeting held Oct. 15-18, in Savannah, GA.
Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (Education) spoke at the Institute for Education Sciences-funded Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training (IES-PIRT) program’s pro-seminar series Oct. 2 at New York University.
Amal Ibourk, Ph.D. (Education), Sherry Southerland, Ph.D. (Education) and Robin Smith, Ph.D. (FSU-Teach) presented at the sixth annual Tallahassee Science Festival Oct. 28.
Laurie Abbott, Ph.D. (Nursing) and Elizabeth Slate, Ph.D. (Statistics) presented “Influencing cardiovascular health knowledge and habits” at the 2017 American Public Health Association annual conference, “Creating the Healthiest Nation: Climate Changes Health” in Atlanta, GA.
Rob Duarte, (Art) represented FSU’s creative research at ACCelerate Festival at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, where he exhibited the REBOOT laboratory project’s tools, materials, sculptures, designed objects and works in progress. Duarte also participated in a panel discussion moderated by Monica Smith, head of exhibitions and interpretation at the Smithsonian’s Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation.
Christine Andrews-Larson, Ph.D. (Education) presented the activity program Exploring Polygons through Computer Programming with mathematics education graduate student Muhammad Haider at FSU’s annual Math Fun Day.
Jill Pable, Ph.D. (Interior Design & Architecture) was selected to serve on the American Society of Interior Designers 2018 National Board of Directors.
Rosalyn Deckerhoff (Social Work) was named the College of Social Work’s first director of online field education. Deckerhoff will be leading the development of new and innovative ways in which the FSU College of Social Work along with its faculty and area coordinators can interact with distance learning students.
Tarez Graban, Ph.D. (English) designed and led “Women in the archives, Vandals in the Stacks,” a special topics seminar. Titled after an infamous disagreement between Nicholson Baker and Richard Cox on institutional and archival value, the course had three main goals: to foster the habits of mind that are essential for creating and using archives, to mark critical intersections between feminist theories and theories of “archive,” and to approach archiving as scholarly investigation, cultural interpretation, social observation and civic engagement.
Sonia Cabell, Ph.D. (Education) is part of a new four-year, Florida Center for Reading research project that examines the efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts: Knowledge Strand read-aloud program for children in kindergarten through second grade.
Stephanie Simmons Zuilkowski, Ph.D. and Laura Steacy, Ph.D. (Education) are part of a research team working with Bayero University-Kano in northern Nigeria to create the Nigerian Center for Reading Research and Development. The U.S. Agency funds the project for International Development (USAID).