André Thomas, Ph.D. (Music), will receive the American Choral Directors Association’s 2017 Robert Shaw Choral Award, which is conferred every two years upon a choral leader who has made “unusual contributions to the art of choral music” through teaching, conducting or leadership. Thomas will accept the Shaw Award at the 2017 ACDA national conference March 8-11 in Minneapolis, Minn.
Jimmy Yu, Ph.D. (Religion) recently won a grant to study at the Center for Chinese Studies for the Summer 2016 from the National Central Library of Taiwan. Yu’s topic of study was “The Construction of a Modern Chan Buddhist Lineage: Master Sheng Yen’s Formation of Chinese Buddhism.” The program is designed for foreign professors and doctoral candidates in departments related to Chinese studies at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes.
Kathy Guthrie, Ph.D. (Education), director of the Leadership Learning Research Center and coordinator of the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies at FSU, was named a 2017 American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Diamond Honoree. The Diamond Honoree Program, established in 1999, is way for those that care about students — and the research, scholarship and programs that promote student development and success — to help advance ACPA’s efforts.
Karen Randolph, Ph.D. (Social Work) was recognized for her contributions as a mentor at the 2016 Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting. The CSWE’s Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education Mentor Recognition Program honors mentors and other women who have contributed to make a difference and support the activities of the Women’s Council.
Carolyn Henne, Ph.D. (Art), recently took part in a panel discussion at the eighth World Archaeological Conference (WAC-8) in Kyoto, Japan. Michael Carrasco, Ph.D (Art), chaired the panel discussion on “The Presentation, Representation, and Reproduction of the Archaeological Object.” Henne presented on topics on “3-D Printing Ancient Italian Ceramics: An Experimental Exhibition,” that showcased the Facility for Art Research’s experience working in conjunction with researchers in digitally reconstructing and fabricating replicas of ancient artifacts discovered on archaeological sites.
Steven Pfeiffer, Ph.D. (Education) made a presentation to the Italian Parliament at a conference addressing the needs of gifted students Nov. 7 in Rome. The conference was organized by the Committee on Culture, Science and Education of the Chamber of the Deputies and the nonprofit Step-net. It aimed to educate policymakers to recognize and support giftedness in schools.
Igor Alabugin, Ph.D. (Chemistry) recently published the book “Stereoelectronic Effects: A Bridge Between Structure and Reactivity.” The book covers everything from the basic fundamental principles of how molecules behave — starting with the rules governing sharing of electrons in covalent bonds — all the way to stereoelectronic control of organic reactions, interactions in biomolecule structure and reactivity, materials science and more.
Karen Oehme, Ph.D. (Social Work) and social work doctoral candidate Stephanie Grace Prost highlight methods to prevent officer-involved domestic violence in the chapter, “Preventing officer-involved domestic violence: Leadership challenges and opportunities,” of the recently published book “Stress in Police: Sources, consequences, and intervention.”
William Bales, Ph.D., and Daniel Mears, Ph.D. (Criminology) was recently awarded $730,615 by the Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Assistance to examine the impact of restrictive housing on inmates’ behavior, mental health and likelihood of recidivism, as well as the views of correctional administrators and personnel on use of restrictive housing and its alternatives.
Please submit items for Faculty and Staff Briefs to Amy Farnum-Patronis at afarnumpatronis@fsu.edu. Briefs are compiled monthly and posted online during the first week of each month.