Elaine Howard Ecklund, an assistant professor of sociology at Rice University, will be the guest speaker for the next presentation in Florida State University’s Fall Faculty Luncheon Series. Ecklund studies cultural change in the areas of religion, immigration and science and is a scholar at the Baker Institute for Public Policy.
In keeping with the luncheon series’ theme of “Unity in Diversity — An Academic Community Reflects on the Three Cultures: The Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences,” Ecklund will address “How the Social Sciences May Inform, And Be Informed By, The Humanities and Natural Sciences.”
The luncheon will be held:
548 W. PARK AVE.
During her visit to Florida State, Ecklund will also deliver a lecture to the FSU Department of Sociology on Monday, Oct. 3. That lecture, on the topic of “Women in Science,” will begin at 3:30 p.m. in Room 519 of the Bellamy Building. For more information, contact the sociology department at (850) 644-6416.
Ecklund’s book “Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think” shares its title with a second departmental lecture that she will be giving during her FSU visit, this one in the Department of Religion. It will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 118, Dodd Hall. For more information, contact the religion department at (850) 644-1020.
Luncheon reservations may be mailed to the Presbyterian University Center, 548 W. Park Ave., Tallahassee, FL, 32301, with a check made out to the Presbyterian University Center and clearly marked “Faculty Luncheon Series.” The amount of the check should be $9 for one luncheon or $27 for the remainder of the luncheon series. Alternatively, reservations may be made by calling the center at (850) 222-6320 or sending an email to bac4259@fsu.edu. Payment may then be made at the door. All reservations must be received by Friday, Sept. 30, at noon. Seating is limited, and early reservations are strongly recommended.
All luncheons will be webcast live and made available as an archive on the luncheon series website. In Tallahassee, WFSU-TV will also televise each luncheon several weeks after each event on cable channel 4. For more information on the speakers, and the series in general, visit the Faculty Luncheon Series website at undergrad.fsu.edu/FacultyLuncheonSeries.
For more information regarding this event, call (850) 228-5641.