Solving the World’s Food Issues with Organic Farming
Published: | 12:00 pm
Bruce Locke and Robert Wandell describe their new plasma technology and how it uses natural elements like electricity, water and […]
Creating a Non-Addictive ADHD Drug
Published: | 12:00 pm
Pradeep Bhide and his research team describe the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder problem and their work to develop a non-addictive […]
Rob Spencer Climate Change Research Publication
Published: | 12:00 am
Florida State University researcher and professor of Oceanography Rob Spencer’s latest work published in Geophysical Research Letters, shows that centuries […]
FSU Coastal and Marine Lab to host open house
Published: | 12:00 am
The Florida State University Coastal & Marine Laboratory will host “Restoring Resiliency, Protecting our Oceans and Coastlines,” an open house […]
2015 InNOLEvation Challenge
Published: | 12:00 am
The InNOLEvation Challenge is a business model competition that gives students at Florida State University the opportunity to apply what […]
Research in a Minute: Lucinda Graven
Published: | 12:00 pm
Florida State University researcher Lucinda Graven discusses her research in improving treatments for heart failure patients.
Research in a Minute: Kurt Piehler
Published: | 12:00 pm
Florida State University researcher Kurt Piehler discusses his work studying the history and memory of war.
2015 Truman Scholar Daniel Hubbard
Published: | 12:00 am
A Florida State University psychology major studying the causes of suicide, particularly in the military community, has been named a […]
Art in STEM exhibit
Published: | 12:00 am
A picture is worth a thousand words and that’s exactly what graduate biology student, Jessica Martinez wants to convey with […]
Student Profiles: Connor Dacey
Published: | 12:00 am
Student’s passion for meteorology leads to great research opportunities at FSU and beyond.
Share Your Story: COB Hall of Famer Allan Bense
Published: | 12:00 am
Established in 2003, the College of Business Hall of Fame honors and celebrates individuals who embody the qualities that make […]
FSU Headlines: April 2015
Published: | 7:42 am
Inauguration of FSU’s 15th President Florida State University welcomes John Thrasher to the presidency with pomp and circumstance.