This message to all faculty and staff has been approved by Robert Fuselier, Director of the Office of Distance Learning.
One of the challenges remote teaching presents is how to offer your students opportunities to meet with you and ask questions. Virtual office hours are a great way to meet this instructional need and can be held via the Zoom web conferencing tool. The flexibility that Zoom offers means you can work with students during virtual office hours in a variety of ways, much like you would during an in-person meeting. Learn more about facilitating virtual office hours and best practices for a smoother experience.
If you have any questions or run into trouble with Zoom in Canvas, submit a ticket to ODL Technical Support or call us at 850-644-8004. We’re here to help!
Please know that the Office of Distance Learning continues to provide support to the FSU community during this time. You can contact us at 850-644-4635, visit our Remote Teaching page, or register for training at odl.fsu.edu/training.
COVID-19 LINKS: Remote Teaching Guide | Working Remotely | Coronavirus Updates | FSU Alerts