This message to all students has been approved by Mitch Kilcrease, Assistant Vice President for the Office of Business Services.
To facilitate the learning process and make your eLearning experience more dynamic, the FSU Bookstore is offering options to supplement and support your efforts through the upcoming weeks.
Free Shipping
Visit ShopFSU.com for free shipping on all items with no minimum purchase, including various formats of course materials, supplies, apparel, technology and more. *Free shipping ends Friday, May 1, 2020.
Free Access to eBooks
Gain free access to eBooks with your fsu.edu email address and receive up to 7 FREE eBooks for the designated period. Sign-up at studentresponse.redshelf.com.
Free Shipping on Rental Returns & Deadline Extensions
Offering free shipping return labels and extending the non-return period without penalty.
To access the services above and for more information, visit ShopFSU.com or call 850-644-2072.